Day 375- Gothic revival library


August 25, 2024

Gallery 740, the Gothic Revival library, comes from a house built in 1859 in a residential area of Newburgh, New York. At that time, Newburgh was viewed as a leafy retreat for New Yorkers of means; now it's known as a city where many residents struggle with poverty. The room is so dark that it's hard to see what elements might be described as "Gothic," other than the pointed arches framing the windows. Perhaps the elaborately carved chairs, whose backs form a pointed arch, and the ornamental carving on the bookcase might also qualify. None of the furniture is original to the house, however.

More interesting to me than the room itself is the museum's description of it. It notes that Gothic revival homes, in contrast to Italianate villas, were meant to signify a preference for a quiet, intellectual lifestyle, and in such homes, the library often served as the main parlor. Of course, in an era where there were no televisions or computers or other forms of mass entertainment, reading was a principal pleasure for upper middle-class people.


As I approached the room a few days later,  en route to the next gallery, I realized that the entry to the room is itself framed by a pointed arch. I guess that qualifies as the chief Gothic architectural element. 


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